A Leprechaun in the class

We had the wonderful surprise to have the visit of my friend Jojo the Leprechaun.

He first came on Thuesday, March 11th, to tell the class they needed to build planes to fly off the Ireland: his country.

He then called us on skype, while we were working super hard on a irish mobile to tell us he was watching us, as he can be very small and hidden everywhere in the school.

Lea and Marie-Joëlle were the first ones to see him again, once running in the corridor and another time jumping in his pot of gold on my desk.

Finally, he helped us to prepare a surprise for St.Patty's Day... And left us a note: he will be coming back in the class on Monday for the Irish celebration of the St.Patrick...

Can't wait to see what happens next.

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Commentaires: 2
  • #1

    Renée Boulet (lundi, 17 mars 2014 19:38)

    Vraiment, WOW, quelle bonne idée ce site!

  • #2

    Rina (lundi, 17 mars 2014 20:20)

    Chanceux, j'aimerais bien moi aussi voir Jojo le Leprechaun.