May: Once Upon a Time

April: 3-2-1 BLAST OFF!!!


Welcome to Planet Pirate!

3-2-1 BLAST OFF!

March: Let's go in LOUISIANA

Red Carpet Day

Final video about Louisiana

St.Patty's Day


February: Love, Reading and Olympics

Mois de la lecture

Carnaval Time

January: Animals' Kingdom

Painting in the Snow!


First time Snowshoeing!

December: Santa's Workshop :)

Lots of Christmas Love <3

We are playing in the snow

Visit from SANTA

Christmas Show Practice in Spanish :)

Little Christmas Show

November: Opposites, Occupations/jobs

Best buddies :) Jordan and Joseph-Elliot found out how to make super constructions with the staws! Look at this house! Good job boys, I am proud of you.

Our friend the gnome left us some magical sand to practice our writing... See how everybody did great!


October: Apples, Colors and Shapes and HALLOWEEN!

Decorating the Giant Pumpkin

Thanks to the 5th&6th graders :)


1st Trip: Verger à Ti-Paul

To go with our apple picking trip, i found a site with a cool recipe mixing apples and Halloween. Enjoy!

Apples recipe


I placed Halloween words with pictograms on the wall just to see what would happen... The Garden Gnomes are super curious and they want to be writing already! See what they did as a game during free play: ALL BY THEMSELVES! Good job my friends, I am so proud of you!

Parents: Can you guess which one was written by your child? (Participants: Anaïs, Raphaëlle, Jordan, Émeraude, Joshua)

5 senses sorting game


5 teams, 5 different ways to sort the cards with the senses.

Motricity with PlayDough

Every month, we will create a decoration to represent the theme we are exploring. This wonderful realization will be place in the corridor upstairs.

September: School, House, Family and Emotions/Manners.

First IPad Activity

Our Emotions Book

My friends are reading the books by themselves

Fire Exercice!