The Blarney Stone

The ritual of kissing the Blarney Stone, according to the castle's proprietors, has been performed by "millions of people", including "world statesmen, literary giants [and] legends of the silver screen".[7] The kiss, however, is not casually achieved. To touch the stone with one's lips, the participant must ascend to the castle's peak, then lean over backwards on the parapet's edge. This is traditionally achieved with the help of an assistant. Although the parapet is now fitted with wrought-iron guide rails and protective crossbars, the ritual can still trigger attacks of acrophobia, an extreme or irrational fear of heights.


Kissing the Blarney Stone will give you courage, according to the legend.

You can see a video of Marie-Joëlle kissing the Blarney Stone in the class, and pictures of every kid doing the same thing in the section "photo of activities".  


The picture shown above was in Rina's presentation on Thursday.

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Commentaires: 1
  • #1

    Marie-Eve (vendredi, 21 mars 2014 16:31)

    Merci du fond du cœur pour tout ce que vous avez fait découvrir à nos petits amours. Ils sont chanceux!