Setting and Achieving goals

On May 19th 2014, I completed one the hardest thing I ever did in my life: a Super Spartan Race.

16 km (climbing 7 times the Mont Tremblant from bottom to top) and 21 harships (like climbing a rope of 25 feet).  I  never participated in a race like this before; it was my first time and it was absolutely CRAZY!

My goal was to finish the race.  Which I acheived after 4h45 of intense physical efforts.

I was tired and proud at the same time.

It's so important to show children that goal setting is important. To teach them that when we believe we can do something, we succeed most of the time, but it's not always easy... I hope that my experience will make me a better role model for all my little owls :)

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Commentaires: 2
  • #1

    Renée Boulet (lundi, 26 mai 2014 10:10)

    WOW!!! Félicitations Miss Alex, tout un exploit! C'est vraiment intéressant et notre petite Léa est vraiment chanceuse de vous avoir comme modèle!!!

  • #2

    Marie-Ève (jeudi, 29 mai 2014 20:18)

    Je vous félicite! C'est tout qu'un exploit! Soyez fière de vous car c'est un exploit qui requiert beaucoup de travail et de détermination!